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​Chess Ladder

​Derrek Grimmell

Marcus Wilson

Brent Brown

Gene Deedon

Ed Bertrand

Joe Moore

Roger Stansfield

Ron Greg

George Miester

Ron Paschal

Richard Sweeney



​                                                                           Represents a positional tie 

  Anyone can join our club ladder by offering a challenge to anyone on the current list.   Rules are as follows:  


   (Of special interest)    Every three months on the third thursday of the month are club will host  a tournament .  The purpose of this tournament  will be to establish a brand new ​ladder based on it's results.  Please note the following.  1st the player who holds the top position of the ladder will be declared the winner of that quarter before the start of the tournament.  2nd  ties will be resolved by tie break  to be scheduled by agreement.​   3rd anyone on the ladder not playing will automatically be placed at the bottom of the ladder  for the next quarter.​



   (Offering your fist challenge)  Your 1st challenge can only be issued against the player in attedence who holds the middle position among the players who are present that day.   Special rules apply only to your very first challenge and are as follows,  if you win you will replace your opponents position on the ladder and they will move down one rung ,but if you lose your fist challenge then you will be placed at the bottom and will have to play your way up again.   

​   (General rules:)  Players have the right to refuse a ladder match only if they have played one match already that day.   If the challenge is not withdrawn the match will be scheduled automatically the next time both players are in attendance.   Choice of color can be by radom draw or a gentlemens agreement can be established choosing to play one game as each color to determine the outcome.

All moves will be touch move and adhere to USCF rules.  Time controls are determined by friendly agreement.   If the challenger wins he will assume his opponents position and they will be moved down one rung.   If the challenged wins or draws both players will stay in there original position held before the match.

    (Value of playing on the ladder:)   Since not all members have a USCF rating your position  will help us pair you fairly  during club tournament play.    Also if the tournament is open it will help to match you to an opponent equal to you playing strength.   If the tounament is a round robin the ladder will be used to place you in your division making it fair for everyone.

Previous Champions

Don Obermiller


​  Club

    Aug - Nov   Derek Grimmell

Nov - Feb  Marcus Wilson

​​Mar - May   Derek Grimmell


Nov  G20     Marcus Wilson

March  G30   Marcus Wilson

 May  G45     Roger Stanfield


​​​Hy Vee Food Court

Clinton, Iowa 52732​


T: 563-243-6790
T: 563-219-3102





© 2012 by

Reflections Chess Club​

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